A Cry for Help

Romans 8:28

That was the bible verse that repeatedly invaded my heart, my mind and my spirit as I walked down the street headed to work, questioning God... "Why did this happen?"  "How did this happen?" "Where do I go from here?"

I remember it like it was yesterday.  I was delivered from domestic violence.  Here I was, a mother of three beautiful babies, just turned thirty, walking out of the parking garage, headed to my office...feeling relieved and so thankful that God brought me through and out of such a heinous experience.  Two years of constant fear, mental abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and a broken spirit. Two years of low self esteem, second guessing, and fear of speaking out.  Two years of complete chaos and thinking it was my fault.

I remember the freedom like it was yesterday.  That still voice, that Bible verse, that song in my heart.  I remember the way the sun warmed my face, the birds chirped so loudly, the weather oh so serene.  That was the moment that I appreciated life.  Just being able to have a second chance to move forward and share my story.

I remember the feeling of rebirth and living a new life.  I remember falling in love with me all over again.

Although October is the month for Domestic Violence awareness, I encourage you to stay aware EVERY day! I have so many family members and close friends that have endured this sickening encounter, and am so blessed to see them LIVE and break free! 

I am a Domestic Violence survivor and I am so happy I sought help to be released!! Perhaps you know someone or you have/are experiencing the same thing...reach out to your local or national Domestic Violence centers for assistance!  Your life, happiness, and freedom matters!!



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