Changing our Mindsets

Overwhelmed, frustrated, devastated, guilt, aggravated, angered, forgetfulness, unforgiveness, loneliness, complacency... the list goes on and on.  I have experienced every one of these emotions within the past two weeks.  I had a "woe is me" party going on and I was enjoying it. I did NOT want to pray, I did NOT want to study God's word, I did NOT want to be bothered. AT ALL.  I wanted to sulk in MY world of circumstances and situations that I made giants in my life.  I placed them up on pedestals and continuously fed into my negative thoughts and memories.  I was comfortable there.  Right there with those negative emotions and thoughts. However, something kept nudging me and reminding me of who I was and Whose I was.

As I was driving to work today, I heard Erica Campbell say "If you want good results, you do it God's way". I IMMEDIATELY broke out in repentance.  I was so engulfed in my surroundings, schedules, day to day tasks, failures, fears, inconsistencies, self blaming, until I bombarded myself with negativity.  So much negativity that I did not take the time to even consult God with ANY of the past two week's issues. I just murmured and complained.  I pouted and threw tantrums.  I played a whole "movie" scenario of why things were so horrible, and not ONCE did I take the time to consult God and cast my cares upon Him.

Before I go any further, let me say that this post is not for the religious sanctified folk that always have it together. Oh no, this particular story is for those who are in relationship with God and sometimes negate to continue to put Him first in ALL things because we think we can do it better, or we are so engulfed in our emotions; that we operate out of those instead of seeking Him.  Yes, you.  The one whom everyone comes to for advice and you appear so strong in the Lord.  You pour so much out into others and yet, your cup is so empty and dry that one drop of water would crack it.  Yes YOU.

My spiritual mother once told me that others are supposed to catch my overflow and never my flow. When my flow is empty, I literally have nothing else to give.  Picture a cup and saucer (as she illustrated).  Your saucer (those around you) is supposed to catch the overflow running from your cup (the flow God gives you).  Your saucer NEVER gets what's INSIDE of your cup, it always "catches" what's flowing OUT of your cup.

After meditating on Erica's statement this morning, and remembering my spiritual mother's wisdom today, IT.HIT.ME.  All of the feelings I experienced came from an empty place. An empty Godless place. Let me explain before I get a judgmental slap.  If God's word says that I am to cast ALL of my cares upon HIM because HE cares for me (1st Peter 5:7) and to seek God first in ALL I do (Matthew 6:33), and God is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust (Psalm 91:2), and The peace of God which surpasses all understand shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7)... I must have been in a Godless state of mind.  I did not seek peace in Him, I did not trust Him, I did NOT cast my cares upon Him,, I did NOT seek Him first.  I did everything MY WAY.  I negated God's way and ended up with bad results.

Therefore, I want to share with those of you who are in a dry place, a lonely place, a place where you feel misunderstood and overlooked... You can and will get past whatever the situation is. Introduce your situation to your God and let Him work it out. Let HIM order your steps. Let HIM have complete control over your life.  I am NOT saying that everything in life with be peachy because it won't.  I am saying it will be a little easier knowing you are protected by the Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords.  It will be worth it.  If we continue to fight from our flesh and do things OUR way, we will NOT encounter the outcome we expect because our foundation was never built on God's ways.

Let's reevaluate ourselves.  OURSELVES only... Then let's take it to the throne of grace and mercy.  Then, let's move on doing it God's way.

Always in HIM and in Love,



  1. Blessed is thee who calls on the name of the Lord. God's Love for his people is and always consistent. Once we approach our daily Lives and people that revolve within our Lives and practice even 10% of God's consistent Love for his people, Our entire Lifeset and Mindset are then placed in motion and will guide us through the most amazing journey. These journeys will rock us with the most intense emotions and shortly thereafter fulfill us with the most immense Faithful gratitude beyond our imagination of God's True Love and commitment to his people... For Life itself was never meant to be a short sprint, but a very long and winding Marathon.. Looking forward to practicing Mindset

  2. Awesome and a MUCH NEEDED WORD!!


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