
Greg and I were taking an early morning walk/run when I observed the most profound thing.  For starters, we slacked up some with our running and were adamant about getting back on track with it.  We were away near Wilmington Beach and I was uber excited because I was near the water.  I woke up the next morning at 4am like a little kid on Christmas. I was ready to get near the water before sunrise.  Greg told me the sun didn't rise until 6:31 so we had some time before we left out.  Boy was I anxious.  I couldn't sleep any longer. It seemed like every 5 minutes I was looking at my watch and the time 

Finally, it was time!! I jumped into my workout gear and was ready to go!!! As we hit the pier, I got my music playing and I'm just talking away to Greg.  Of course, I LOVE to talk, so I had to share my past night's dreams, my interpretation, how I felt, what I thought, and get his insight on it.  He just patiently listened and agreed at the opportune times. 

Then it happened... Stopped me dead in my tracks. Something so simple, yet so profound. Two birds were floating barely above water. One was in front of the other, gliding in unison, then took off flying.  Because I am a visual person, I stared and marveled at the synchronization, and became completely quiet.  In the midst of my quiet time, I received two messages.

I saw the first bird, the one in front, as two revelations for me:
1. My husband's submission to Christ
2. God's leadership over my life

In the first revelation, I saw the work it took for the second bird to fall in sync, stay on track, and fly in unison.  It was amazing.  Then I visualized my submitting to my husband as he continues to submit to God.  Messed me up.  Those who REALLY know me, know that I struggled with submission for MONTHS.  As an independent woman, who relied on no one, it was so hard to submit.  God delivered me from that and I pray this helps someone else. 

My submission had NOTHING to do with Greg, it had to do with my obedience to God.  I was engulfed in "nobody tells me what to do", when in reality, that wasn't it at all. I missed the mark.  My obedience to my father for submission, has ignited a desire in me to want to serve and be a Godly example to my husband and others.  I used to fear losing myself in someone else's rule. However, the truth of the matter is, God rules and I can NOT afford to be disobedient to Him.

Therefore, to visually "see" the bird line up, it showed me so much more.  Submission does not make one person better than the other.  Both birds had a mission. One was to lead and the other was to follow.  They worked in unison, and made it to their destination unharmed.  How amazing is that!!! They did it a TEAM.

In the second revelation, I saw God leading me in all areas of my life and me following obediently, and in sync with HIS ways, HIS will, and HIS plan over me.

I just stood there once again...speechless...

This revelation touched me heart.  I fought tooth and nail to do what I wanted, when I wanted, and how I wanted.  The harder I fought, the more things fell apart.  When I finally gave up and followed God's plan, O.M.G., EVERYTHING in my life fell into place!!! Things I wished for years ago, have come into fruition. Things I prayed for months ago came to pass.  Things I HOPED for came alive! I felt so thankful and blessed that God took the time, to show little old stubborn me, HIS amazing works.

As the day progressed, we had an afternoon encounter at the beach and boy oh boy!! Those birds were at it again! Eager to teach me a lesson. 

As we walked along the beach, baby seagulls would run on the sand when the water receded and immediately pluck at food that was brought on shore from the waves.  As soon as the water would come back, those little legs would take off running away from the shore.  I found it hysterical and was laughing nonstop at those little legs going.  They reminded me of the cartoon character, Dash, from "The Incredibles". This happened over and over again, and I was so tickled.  Then, it hit me...I stood once more in awe, just staring and remembering HIS promises...

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? (Matthew 6:26)

I don't proclaim to know it all or have it all together.  I just live and learn daily. I pray this day's encounters blesses someone...


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