Never Alone

I know and understand the pain of losing a parent or even a loved one.  I know how empty one can feel during this loss, and for a life time.  I struggled many years, seeing other mother/daughter relationships. I envied them. How dare they have a wonderful time while I was motherless?  I used to be angry; especially as a teen, and during Mother's Day.  
Then I reminisced on my life.  I can honestly say that God was and still IS faithful. I can NOT count the many mothers and grandmothers he blessed me with. They all showed and still show me unconditional love, discipline me, teach me, cry with me, pray with and for me, shop with me, laugh with me, play dress up with me, dance with me, and educate me daily, on the unconditional love a mother has for her daughter.  How AMAZING is that? That God thinks I'm so important, that he blessed me with NUMEROUS mothers that all took part in raising and molding the woman I am today?  I lost my biological one, but I lose count when I think of all of the surrogate mothers from my childhood up to present, that I've gained..
Because of this, I vow to ALWAYS be a motherly blessing to whomever God leads me to.  You never know the pain from their past, the longing for their losses, or the hurt from their history; that encompasses them.  
In addition, if you have lost someone in your life, hold on to those memories of them and LIVE their legacy out by instilling that love into someone else.  I am so glad that the many women were obedient to their ministry in my life.  In your loss, who's life will you make a change in?
"God whispers in our pleasures, but shouts in our pain."   -C.S. Lewis   


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