Don't Let the Glitter Fool You

A few months ago, I decided to abruptly try an opportunity that was presented to me.  As soon as I was made aware of the opportunity, I IMMEDIATELY jumped on it.  I didn't consult God, I didn't pray about it, I didn't ask for guidance, I didn't even ATTEMPT to NOT pass "Go".  After I "tested the waters", I then shared with loved ones and friends, "If it's God's will, it will happen, and if not, it won't".  I (said) I felt fine either way.  Well the truth of the matter is, I WANTED this opportunity just for Pride's sake. Just to say I competed and WON against two other contenders.

Now in the midst of all of this, I am taking a mentor class on Mondays, E-Group on Tuesdays, and leading a Women's Bible study on Wednesdays.  Not to mention I have a graduating senior-which raises another plethora of responsibilities and deadlines. How was I going to fit something "new" into my already full calendar without consulting?

Well today, I received information that I would not be able to follow through with the opportunity.  I of course, immediately contacted my support team to hear all of the wonderful advice and endearments.  It felt good to hear my husband rant and rave about the situation. "You DESERVED that opportunity!"-he said, with such passion and support.  I felt good inside for all of the positive accolades I received.  However, deep down, I KNEW this was not the opportunity God called me into.  That opportunity was not MINE.

You see, everything that glitters is NOT gold.  Now, I am NOT saying that this opportunity was not for someone else or others.  I just know that it was not for me.  All of the glitter, status, reveres, and partnerships seemed so breathtaking and coveted by me.  However, I never sought my Father for what HIS will was for this opportunity.  I took the steps, I initiated everything. I forced the issue and I ran with it. I ran with a blind opportunity of fake status and recognition.  I did that all by myself.

I chuckle now.  I didn't when I first heard about the denial.  Of course not, would you? I was a little sour. No, I was A LOT sour. :-)  How DARE this opportunity present itself for another person? Don't they know who I am? Don't they know what I possess?  Again, I now chuckle. Why? Because I KNOW that what my Father has for me is for me.  Why am I trying to force a tailor made suit on a generic body?

So I say to you-Wait on what is for YOU.  Although other opportunities look appeasing and "glittery", make sure that you have consulted with God and heard HIS will for your next steps in life.  Don't let the glitter fool you.  Make sure it's Gold from God.

In His Love,



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