Your Steps are Ordered

I remember so many times, I've been told, "take one step at a time".  This statement can be used for so many situations in one's life.  From walking for the first time, to building a business; the same rule applies.

As I embark on 2016, I made numerous goals I wanted to complete by a certain deadline.  After thinking of those goals, a few times, I was overwhelmed because they were so MANY, (or so I thought).  Instead of focusing on one thing, I would try to complete numerous tasks, and winded up frustrated, feeling defeated, and unproductive.

I then decided to just go step by step and check off what was completed for that day.  Now I am a guru for time management.  I constantly teach that skill to my clients, as well as friends.  However, when it came to applying the same embedded skills, I did not.  I came up with every excuse possible to deter me from following a plan to move from one space to the next in my goals and visions.  By doing so, I winded right back at the starting line.

Thankfully, I submitted to what I know would be beneficial, and implemented those skills I needed to accomplish the goals that were set before me.  From personal goals to Professional goals; I have created a system that works effectively and shows constant production.

Now I am sure some of you are experiencing, or have experienced the same thing; or something similar.  I challenge you to incorporate time management skills in your daily tasks and assignments. Be steadfast and diligent with your goals for that day.  Take one step at a time.  Give yourself positive affirmation after completing EACH step.  Before you know it, your COMPLETED goal will come into fruition!

One step at a time defines EVERY area in your life.  It is imperative to constantly remind yourself that you have moved one step further than where you were before.  Continue to take those steps! I will continuously pray that those steps stay ordered by God.

Psalms 37:23


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